
As the requirement for securing data has increased, novel approaches like reversible data hiding have been developed. Reversible data hiding is one among the many methods to securely store message into a cover media like image. Drawbacks of this method were overcome with the help of novel approaches like Separable reversible data hiding. Separable reversible data hiding is an improvised method in which there are two key players : the content owner and the data hider. The former encrypts the original image with an encryption key while the later exploits the spatial correlation of the natural image to create an additional space to accommodate data. At the receiver side, receiver having the data-hiding key, can extract the data but not the original image. At the same time, the receiver with the encryption key, can extract the image but not the data. If he has both the data-hiding and the encryption keys, he can extract the data and the original image content. The efficacy of this method can be enhanced if the keys too can be secured. This can be done using an efficient key-exchange algorithm like the Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange Algorithm. Also use of multiple encryption methods would make the system compatible with different applications. The system, in its working environment, would come across various actors with different privileges. In such a situation, having an authentication system would ensure that the data is received at the right hands. An authentication system and attack prevention measures, integrated along with the current version makes Separable Reversible data hiding a formidable method for data security.

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