
Regulated expression of genes in the beta-globin cluster depends upon sequences located between 5 and 20 kb upstream of the epsilon gene, known as the locus control region (LCR). beta-Globin expression in murine erythroleukemia (MEL) cells depends on NF-E2, a transcription factor which binds to enhancer sequences in the LCR. To gain insight into the mechanism of globin gene activation by NF-E2, an NF-E2 null MEL cell line was used to map regions of NF-E2 required for beta-globin expression. Within the transactivation domain, two discrete proline-rich regions were required for rescue of beta-globin expression. The first was located at the N-terminus of NF-E2, while the second was located N-terminal of the cap 'n collar (CNC) domain. Other proline-rich sequences were dispensable, indicating that proline content per se does not determine NF-E2 activity. Mutations within the conserved CNC domain markedly diminished rescue of beta-globin expression. This domain was required, in addition to the basic leucine zipper domain, for DNA binding activity. The requirement for discrete proline-rich sequences within the transactivation domain suggests that globin gene expression in MEL cells depends on specific interactions between NF-E2 and downstream effector molecules.

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