
BRAZILIAN JOURNALISM RESEARCH Voume 5 Number 2 2009 At A Time of so mAny chAnges both in the profession As well As in the teaching of journalism, discussing ethics in the communication media appears to us to be essential. For this reason, our dossier brings together texts by experienced researchers who approach this relevant issue from different perspectives. Clovis Barros and Sergio Praca bring up new and old structures of the journalistic field in order to contemplate the possible effects on the definition of its ethics. Their argument is that ethics should also be studied beyond field theories. For these authors, Bourdieu s field theory solves a series of scientific problems, but normally ignores passing between fields. Would this be the best way to observe journalism in view of the transformations brought about by the digital social networks? Barros and Praca reflect on this theme and present the results of interviews carried out with journalists who possess blogs and twitter, two of the newest tools in the journalistic field. They perceive that these journalists have the sensation of greater independence, but continue to be bound by their companies norms. On the other hand, these systems of communication show that the public has participated to a greater extent and most certainly redefine journalism itself. Sylvia Moretzohn also contemplates ethics in the era of technological convergence and presents various examples which compromise journalism s credibility. The author sustains the idea that to discuss ethics one needs to debate the establishment of limits, which are practically nonexistent in the network. On considering that the issue goes beyond the ambit of journalistic practice, she reviews some theories of cyberculture and digital journalism and argues that we are facing an immeasurable problem. Francisco Karam also reflects on ethics in cyberjournalism, based MULTIPLE REFLECTIONS ON JOURNALISTIC ETHICS

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