
Multiple neoplasms are quite frequent in the Simpson Strain of mice. The exact figures for the ordinary stock have not been published, but an analysis of the neoplasms found in 195 mice of the inbred Sarcoma Strain is presented here (Table I). The animals show the principal types of neoplasm present in the parent stock with the exception of sarcoma other than bone sarcoma. Sarcomata are, in any case, rare in the original stock. The relative proportions of the various tumours differ from that in the parent stock. The incidence of bone tumours in this strain is discussed in detail in the preceding paper (p. 248). Of the 75 female mice with bone tumours, 10 also had mammary carcinoma, 10 had lung tumours, 4 had leukaemia, 1 had haemangioma of the kidneys, 1 had both lung and mammary tumours, and 1 had haemangioma of the uterus, a lung tumour, and leukaemia. There were 48 does with bone tumours only. Thus 36 per cent of the females with bone tumours had other types of neoplasm as well. Of the total of 97 females, 85 had neoplasms of one sort or another, only 56 of these having a single type; 12 animals showed no trace of neoplasm post mortem, though 3 of these had pathological changes in bone, mentioned in the preceding paper (see p. 250).

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