
Sex determination in mammals is controlled by SRY (sex-determining region of the Y chromosome), a single-copy gene located on the Y-specific region. Several exceptions to this rule have been described: some rodent species present Y-specific multiple copies (either mono- or polymorphic) of this gene, and two Ellobius species and one Tokudaia species determine sex without a Y chromosome or the SRY gene. Recently, we have described multiple polymorphic copies of the SRY gene in both males and females of the vole species Microtus cabrerae. The female location and the presence of stop codons in some copies from males and females also suggest that they are nonfunctional copies of this gene (pseudogenes). We have investigated the SRY HMG-box in nine species of the family Microtidae; we report here the presence, in eight of these species, of multiple mono- or polymorphic copies of the SRY gene located on the Y chromosome.

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