
Image annotation is a challenging task that allows to correlate text keywords with an image. In this paper we address the problem of image annotation using Kernel Multiple Linear Regression model. Multiple Linear Regression (MLR) model reconstructs image caption from an image by performing a linear transformation of an image into some semantic space, and then recovers the caption by performing another linear transformation from the semantic space into the label space. The model is trained so that model parameters minimize the error of reconstruction directly. This model is related to Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA) which maps both images and caption into the semantic space to minimize the distance of mapping in the semantic space. Kernel trick is then used for the MLR resulting in Kernel Multiple Linear Regression model. The solution to KMLR is a solution to the generalized eigen-value problem, related to KCCA (Kernel Canonical Correlation Analysis). We then extend Kernel Multiple Linear Regression and Kernel Canonical Correlation analysis models to multiple kernel setting, to allow various representations of images and captions. We present results for image annotation using Multiple Kernel Learning CCA and MLR on Oliva and Torralba (2001) scene recognition that show kernel selection behaviour.

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