
Underachievement as a phenomenon among school students exists in all subjects,but it is more pronounced in English, especially among students whose medium of learning is vernacular.The multiple intelligences-based instruction has been suggested as a remedy for overcoming the achievement discrepancy in English among EFL learners.This requires understanding the multiple intelligences of underachievers in English in comparison with their overachieving counterparts. The study aims to compare underachievers and overachievers in English with respect to their multiple intelligences.The participants of the study consisted of 85 underachievers and 77 overachievers in English, separated statistically by employing regression method from a larger sample of 447 ninth grade students of Kerala. Data were collected by administering Multiple Intelligences Scale for Secondary School Students,developed by the investigator. Inferential analysis by employing independent sample t-test revealed that underachievers and overachievers in English differed significantly in their Verbal-linguistic intelligence, Visual-spatial intelligence, Intrapersonal intelligence, Interpersonal intelligence and Naturalistic intelligence. The overachievers excel the underachievers in all the five components of multiple intelligences.The underachievers and overachievers in English were found almost alike in their Logical-mathematical intelligence, Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence, Musical intelligence, Existential intelligence and Moral-ethical intelligence.

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