
The main purpose of this study is to determine the dominant types of multiple intelligences and motivational orientations of students in learning English as a Foreign Language (EFL). To achieve this objective, two research tools were used namely, survey questionnaire and focused group discussion (FGD). For quantitative data, the researcher used a standardized Multiple Intelligences Inventory by Walter McKenzie (1999) and a questionnaire on Motivational Orientations in Learning EFL. For qualitative data, FGD sessions with selected AMAIUB students were conducted. The participants of the study were 165 AMA International University-Bahrain (AMAIUB) students for the Academic Year 2011-2012 and were categorized according to sex and programme enrolled. Results of the study revealed that the dominant types of intelligences of AMAIUB students are existential, bodily-kinesthetic, and intrapersonal. When grouped as to programme enrolled, the Business Informatics, International Studies, and Informatics Engineering students have existential; Mechanical Engineering students have visual-spatial; Computer Science students have intrapersonal and the Medicine students have naturalistic. When grouped as to sex, male students’ dominant types of intelligences are existential, intrapersonal, and bodily-kinesthetic while female students have existential, bodily-kinesthetic, and intrapersonal. Further, results showed that AMAIUB students have the integrative or intrinsic motivational orientation in learning EFL. When grouped as to sex, both male and female students have integrative or intrinsic motivational orientation in learning EFL. As to their programme enrolled, Business Informatics, International Studies, Mechatronics Engineering, and Computer Science students have integrative or intrinsic motivational orientation in learning EFL while the Informatics Engineering students have instrumental or extrinsic. The Medicine students have both integrative and instrumental orientations. As ascertained in this study, there were no significant differences on the students’ types of intelligences when grouped as to sex. However, a significant difference in the types of intelligence was found when the students are categorized as to the programme enrolled, specifically, on the Naturalist type of intelligence between the Medicine and Computer Science and International Studies students. Moreover, there were no significant differences on the students’ motivational orientations in learning EFL when they were grouped as to programme enrolled and sex. In the basis of the findings, the following conclusions were drawn: Sex is not a correlate of the types of multiple intelligences. Programme enrolled is a significant determinant of the types multiple of intelligences. Sex does not affect the motivational orientations in learning EFL. Programme enrolled does not affect the motivational orientations in learning EFL. Keywords: Multiple Intelligences, EFL, Motivational Orientations in Learning in English

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