
Using anterograde transport of WGA-HRP and the experimental degeneration method for identification of corticocuneate (CCT) and primary afferent (PAT) terminals in conjunction with γ-amino butyric acid (GABA) and glutamate immunocytochemistry, this study has demonstrated that the GABA-immunoreactive (GABA-IR) neurons in the rat cuneate nucleus were post-synaptic to PATs (some of them being glutamate-IR), GABA-IR and GABA-negative terminals. The HRP-labelled CCTs did not make any synaptic contacts with GABA-IR neurons but with some GABA-negative dendrites. PATs labelled by HRP or showing degenerating features made direct synaptic contacts with the dendrites of GABA-IR neurons. Beside the above GABA-IR boutons also showed axosomatic and axodendritic synapses with the GABA-IR neurons. In `triple labeling' method for GABA, PAT and glutamate, it was found that the PATs which were usually glutamate-positive were presynaptic to the dendrites of GABA-IR neurons. Furthermore, some glutamate-IR terminals which were of non-PAT's origin also synapsed with the dendrites and somata of GABA-IR neurons. It is concluded from this study that the major inputs of GABA-IR neurons were from glutamate immunopositive PATs and glutamate terminals of non-PATs origin; other GABA-IR terminals either intrinsic or extrinsic also contributed to the afferent sources of GABA-IR neurons. The CCTs contributed very little, if any, to this input. It is suggested that the PATs and glutamate-IR terminals on GABA-IR neurons may be involved in lateral inhibition for increase of spatial precision. The synaptic contacts between GABA-IR boutons and dendrites or somata of GABA-IR neurons may provide a possible means for disinhibition.

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