
view Abstract Citations (45) References (27) Co-Reads Similar Papers Volume Content Graphics Metrics Export Citation NASA/ADS Multiple Hydrogen Flashes on Accreting Low-Mass White Dwarfs: Novae and DAO Stars Shara, Michael M. ; Prialnik, Dina ; Kovetz, Attay Abstract The evolution of two low-mass white dwarfs, accreting hydrogen-rich matter at a rate of 10 exp -9 solar mass/yr was calculated by means of a hydrodynamic code. A 0.6 solar mass white dwarf, composed of carbon and oxygen, and a 0.4 solar mass helium white dwarf are considered, both of low intrinsic luminosity. They are found to undergo periodic eruptions, which, for the CO white dwarf become regular only after about five cycles. The outbursts are similar in appearance to those of classical novae, although on a largely stretched time scale. The high-luminosity phase lasts for about 200 yr for both stars. The accretion continues for 4 x 10 exp 5 yr and 9 x 10 exp 5 yr, for the 0.6 and 0.4 solar mass WDs, respectively. Both stars lose mass following the outburst. While the more massive white dwarf ejects the entire accreted mass, the smaller, He WD retains some of the accreted material which is added to the core after being burnt into helium. Publication: The Astrophysical Journal Pub Date: March 1993 DOI: 10.1086/172433 Bibcode: 1993ApJ...406..220S Keywords: Cataclysmic Variables; Dwarf Novae; Stellar Evolution; Stellar Mass Accretion; White Dwarf Stars; Binary Stars; Stellar Luminosity; Stellar Mass Ejection; Astrophysics; ACCRETION; ACCRETION DISKS; DIFFUSION; STARS: NOVAE; CATACLYSMIC VARIABLES; STARS: BINARIES: CLOSE; STARS: WHITE DWARFS full text sources ADS | data products SIMBAD (5)

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