
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the seizure outcomes after transverse multiple hippocampal transections (MHTs) in 13 patients with intractable TLE. Thirteen patients with normal memory scores, including 8 with nonlesional hippocampi on MRI, had temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) necessitating depth electrode implantation. After confirming hippocampal seizure onset, they underwent MHT. Intraoperative monitoring was done with 5-6 hippocampal electrodes spaced at approximately 1-cm intervals and spike counting for 5-8min before each cut. The number of transections ranged between 4 and 7. Neuropsychological assessment was completed preoperatively and postoperatively for all patients and will be reported separately. Duration of epilepsy ranged between 5 and 55years. There were no complications. Intraoperatively, MHT resulted in marked spike reduction (p=0.003, paired t-test). Ten patients (77%) are seizure-free (average follow-up was 33months, range 20-65months) without medication changes. One of the 3 patients with persistent seizures had an MRI revealing incomplete transections, another had an additional neocortical seizure focus (as suggested by pure aphasic seizures), and the third had only 2 seizures in 4years, one of which occurred during antiseizure medication withdrawal. Verbal and visual memory outcomes will be reported separately. Right and left hippocampal volumes were not different preoperatively (n=12, p=0.64, Wilcoxon signed-rank test), but the transected hippocampal volume decreased postoperatively (p=0.0173). Multiple hippocampal transections provide an effective intervention and a safe alternative to temporal lobectomy in patients with hippocampal epilepsy.

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