
Gliomas of the brain are common enough but since the works of Achucarro, Ramon y Cajal and del Rio Hortega, of Spain, and of Percival Bailey, Harvey Cushing, Wilder Penfield and J. H. Globus, in this country, much histologic interest has been aroused in these tumors. Bailey and Cushing1and Bailey2have made detailed clinicopathologic studies of the tumors of the glioma group. In contrast to solitary gliomas, multiple gliomas have been observed but rarely. Because of this, the case of multiple gliomas of the brain presented is of interest. REPORT OF CASE Clinical History. —M. A., a cattle dealer, aged 44, was admitted, in 1928, to the service of Dr. George S. Amsden, Albany Hospital, as suffering from mental disease. His wife, a son and two cousins gave the information that the patient had been in an automobile accident a little over four weeks before. He was

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