
Multiple fractures are one of the consequences of traffic accidents (KLL). The most frequently affected locations are the extremities, especially the lower extremities. The group most commonly involved is motorcyclists, where the incident is more common in developing countries. A 32-year-old man was brought to the emergency room from the local health center after experiencing a traffic accident. The patient had previously received initial treatment through immobilization and situational suturing. The patient is suspected of having fractures in both forearms and right thigh. Then, the patient underwent initial surgery and was referred to undergo further surgery due to limited equipment at the previous hospital. This case discusses the challenges in treating multiple fractures in patients involved in traffic accidents, emphasizing the need for rapid and appropriate initial treatment and adequate follow-up management. Optimal management will also provide a good prognosis. This case shows that traffic accident patients have a high potential for experiencing multiple fractures, which often affect the extremities. This case wants to provide information that early treatment primary and secondary survey include providing fluid therapy and pressure dressings are things that must be done immediately to get a good prognosis and best results.

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