
Female mice lacking GABAB receptors, GABAB1KO, show disrupted oestrous cycles, reduced pregnancies and increased hypothalamic Gnrh1 mRNA expression, whereas anteroventral periventricular/periventricular preoptic nucleus (AVPV/PeN) Kiss1 mRNA was not affected. In the present study, we characterise the important components of the gonadotrophic preovulatory surge, aiming to unravel the origin of this reproductive impairment. In GABAB1KO and wild-type (WT) females, we determined: (i) hypothalamic oestrogen receptor (ER)α and β and aromatase mRNA and protein expression; (ii) ovulation index and oestrus serum follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and pituitary Gnrh1r expression; (iii) in ovariectomised-oestradiol valerate-treated mice, we evaluated ex vivo hypothalamic gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH) pulsatility in the presence/absence of kisspeptin (Kiss-10, constant or pulsatile) and oestradiol (constant); and (iv) in ovariectomised-oestradiol silastic capsule-treated mice (proestrous-like environment), we evaluated morning and evening kisspeptin neurone activation (c-Fos+) and serum luteinising homrone (LH). In the medial basal hypothalamus of oestrus GABAB1KOs, aromatase and ERα mRNA and protein were increased, whereas ERβ was decreased. In GABAB1KOs, the ovulation index was decreased together with decreased first oestrus serum FSH and increased pituitary Gnrh1r mRNA. Under constant Kiss-10 stimulation, hypothalamic GnRH pulse frequency did not vary, although GnRH mass/pulse was increased in GABAB1KOs. In WTs, pulsatile Kiss-10 together with constant oestradiol significantly increased GnRH pulsatility, whereas, in GABAB1KOs, oestradiol alone increased GnRH pulsatility and this was reversed by pulsatile Kiss-10 addition. In GABAB1KOs AVPV/PeN kisspeptin neurones were similarly activated (c-Fos+) in the morning and evening, whereas WTs showed the expected, marked evening stimulation. LH correlated with activated kisspeptin cells in WT mice, whereas GABAB1KO mice showed high, similar LH levels both in the morning and evening. Taken together, all of these alterations point to impairment in the trigger of the preovulatory GnRH surge that entails the reproductive alterations described.

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