
SummaryEnzyme activity changes of LDH, GOT, ICD, PHI, alkaline and acid phosphatase in the serum and livers of Syrian hamsters bearing adenovirus type 12 induced tumors have been studied. Five to six weeks post inoculation the serum values for LDH, GOT and ICD were 154%, 77% and 141% respectively above the means of the unin-oculated controls. PHI serum levels were slightly increased from the beginning until termination of the experiment 6 weeks post inoculation. The values during this period were 24%; (mean) higher than those of the uninoculated controls. Serum enzyme activities of adenovirus type 5 infected animals remained essentially unchanged, except for slightly decreased PHI levels. The enzyme content of GOT and ICD in the livers of adenovirus type 12 injected hamsters, which revealed no evidence of malignant cells by microscopic examination, were 3-4 times greater than controls. Variations in enzyme activities in the serum have been discussed in the light of the different sources of enzymes release...

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