
A Godunov's type unstructured finite volume method suitable for highly compressible turbulent scale-resolving simulations around complex geometries is constructed by using a successive correction technique. First, a family of k-exact Godunov schemes is developed by recursively correcting the truncation error of the piecewise polynomial representation of the primitive variables. The keystone of the proposed approach is a quasi-Green gradient operator which ensures consistency on general meshes. In addition, a high-order single-point quadrature formula, based on high-order approximations of the successive derivatives of the solution, is developed for flux integration along cell faces. The proposed family of schemes is compact in the algorithmic sense, since it only involves communications between direct neighbors of the mesh cells. The numerical properties of the schemes up to fifth-order are investigated, with focus on their resolvability in terms of number of mesh points required to resolve a given wavelength accurately. Afterwards, in the aim of achieving the best possible trade-off between accuracy, computational cost and robustness in view of industrial flow computations, we focus more specifically on the third-order accurate scheme of the family, and modify locally its numerical flux in order to reduce the amount of numerical dissipation in vortex-dominated regions. This is achieved by switching from the upwind scheme, mostly applied in highly compressible regions, to a fourth-order centered one in vortex-dominated regions. An analytical switch function based on the local grid Reynolds number is adopted in order to warrant numerical stability of the recentering process. Numerical applications demonstrate the accuracy and robustness of the proposed methodology for compressible scale-resolving computations. In particular, supersonic RANS/LES computations of the flow over a cavity are presented to show the capability of the scheme to predict flows with shocks, vortical structures and complex geometries.

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