
The transition from core medical training posts to higher specialist training in Haematology presents a challenge to junior doctors. In the UK they will have demonstrated competency in general medicine through the Membership of the Royal College of Physicians (MRCP) examination, but once embarked on a career in Haematology they are presented with patients with diseases that they have not previously encountered. Furthermore, they must learn essential laboratory-based diagnostic skills. Haematology is therefore perceived by some as a difficult specialty with a long and arduous training. This book by Professor Bain aims to offset that misconception. Directed at both core medical and junior haematology trainees it covers a broad range of topics in a quick-reference question book. There are single best answer questions and extended matching question formats similar to those used in MRCP and MRCPath part 1 examinations. The answers are supported by a comprehensive explanation, where necessary, and appropriate references to prompt further reading. A broad spectrum of clinical and laboratory topics are covered, many relevant to the practice of junior doctors working in medical specialties, in addition to those involved in higher specialist training. I hope that this publication stimulates more junior doctors to consider career opportunities and discover that Haematology is a fascinating subject built around and relevant to all branches of medicine and not just the domain of the specialist.

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