
Advanced microreactors are expected to play an indispensable role in reliable energy solutions for civilian/military applications in off-grid regions and space applications such as power supplies for Lunar and Mars bases. An innovative fast neutron spectrum heat pipe microreactor (HP-MR) concept was recently proposed with two unique features: molten U-Mn fuel and heat pipes as the heat removal mechanism. The microreactor was designed to be self-regulated, solely relying on reactivity feedbacks from fuel temperature. The reactor design has been further optimized to provide sufficient engineering safety margin and effective heat removal. In this study, the self-regulating performance of the optimized molten metal fuel microreactor was investigated by multiphysics simulations (neutronics, heat-transfer and heat pipe modeling) based on the MOOSE MultiApps system. The responses of the reactor to a series of transient scenarios were simulated to demonstrate the exceptional and inherent safety features of the novel microreactor concept.

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