
The multiphoton Jaynes-Cummings model is investigated and applications in quantum information science are explored. Considering the strong atom-field coupling regime and an N-photon interaction, a nonlinear driving field can perform an arbitrary rotation in the Fock space of a bosonic mode involving the vacuum and an M-Fock state, with M ; |1>;…; |N − 1> can be populated; i.e., we show how to implement a Fock state filter, or quantum scissor, that restricts the dynamics of a given bosonic mode to a limited Hilbert space. Such a device can be employed as a generator of finite-dimensional quantum-optical states and also as a quantum-optical intensity limiter, allowing as a special case the generation of single-photon pulses. On the other hand, our system also provides a very rich physics in the weak atom-field coupling regime, in particular, multiphoton electromagnetically induced transparencylike phenomena, inducing a narrow (controllable) reflectivity window for nonlinear probe fields. These results are useful for applications in quantum information processing and also motivate further investigations, e.g., the use of an N-photon Jaynes-Cummings system as a qudit with harmonic spectrum and the exploration of multiphoton quantum interference.

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