
Direct driven Permanent Magnet Linear Generators (PMLGs) are being used in Wave Energy Converters (WEC). Higher reliability and simplicity are achieved for WEC using PMLG due to the absence of mechanical or hydraulic systems in comparison with WEC using rotational generators. However, due to the relatively slow motion of the waves, the PMLG share large sizes and high magnetic forces. Additionally, a power electronics integration system converting the electrical output to match the grid requirements is needed. In this paper a Multiphase Tubular Permanent Magnet Linear Generator (MTPMLG) designed for WEC, is developed and simulated. The main aim of this paper is to present a performance comparison between the MTPMLG and existing PMLG using the Finite Element Method (FEM). The comparison between the two generators is based on the power output, the magnetic forces and the volumes of the structural materials used in their assembly. The results obtained present the advantages and disadvantages of using a multiphase linear generator over the existing three phase generators. All simulations in this paper are conducted using JMAG. (5 pages)

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