
We present a table-top, efficient and power scalable scheme enabling the effective generation of extreme ultraviolet radiation up to 100 eV photon energy. Therefor ultrashort pulses (< 20fs) in the visible spectral range (515 nm) are used to drive high harmonic generation (HHG) in helium. This allows for a significant efficiency boost compared to near-infrared (NIR) drivers, enabled by the favourable scaling of the single-atom response of λ-6 [1]. The experimental realization of a mulitpass cell delivering 15.7 fs pulses with a peak power close to 25 GW at 515 nm and an overall efficiency (IR to compressed green pulse) of >40 %. In conjunction, preliminary HHG results will be presented, paving the way for mW-class HHG sources at 13.5 nm.

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