
Multiparty elections in Tanzania have been characterized by the dominance of the ruling party and the erratic rise and fall of opposition parties. This trend has been largely influenced by, among others, such factors as institutionalization, age, personality sex, history and low level of civic competence. However, the results of the 2010 general elections suggest a new development that challenges the eminence of the aforementioned factors, which have for almost two decades favoured the ruling party. This new development is reflected in the 2010 elections that witnessed some of the areas that were an enclave of the incumbent party offering a relatively strong support to opposition parties, particularly Chama Cha Demokrasia na Maendeleo (CHADEMA). The 2010 general elections’ results prompt a need for an enquiry to establish whether or not this is the beginning of a new chapter in which both the ruling party and opposition parties stand an equal chance of winning the elections.

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