
We analyze the dynamics of multiparticle discrete-time quantum walk on the two-dimensional lattice, with an interaction inspired on a classical model for gas collision, called HPP model. In this classical model, the direction of motion changes only when the particles collide head-on, preserving momentum and energy. In our quantum model, the dynamics is driven by the usual quantum-walk evolution operator if the particles are on different nodes, and is driven by the HPP rules if the particles are in the same node, linearly extended for superpositions. Using this new form of evolution operator, we numerically analyze three physical quantities for the two-walker case: The probability distribution of the position of one walker, the standard deviation of the position of one walker, and the entanglement between the walkers as a function of the number of steps. The numerical analysis implies that the entanglement between the walkers as a function of the number of steps initially increases and quickly tends to a constant value, which depends on the initial condition. We compare the results obtained using the HPP interaction with the equivalent ones using the phase interaction, which is based on an evolution operator that inverts the sign of the coin operator if the walkers are in the same position.

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