
The continual research and development in wireless sensor networks, power is most vital resource because each sensor node has limited battery power. Numerous clustering concept routing protocols have been developed to balance and enhance lifetime of the sensor nodes in wireless sensor networks. Available clustering routing protocols are select cluster heads periodically and they considered only how can select cluster heads energy-efficiently and the most excellent selection of cluster heads, without considering energy-efficient period of the cluster heads replacement. Herein paper, it is employed different formulae in homogeneous merged layer node deployment system, which has a threshold-based cluster head selection mechanism for clustering routing protocols of wireless sensor networks. The proposed routing protocol is minimizes the number of cluster head selection difficulty by using threshold of residual energy comparison. Reducing the amount of difficulty for cluster head selection procedure yields better life span of the whole sensor networks and it is compared with the available clustering routing protocols. In the proposed system of work, node scheduling or activation techniques are also integrated and the obtained simulation results illustrate that the best to the obtainable clustering protocols in wireless sensor networks (WSNs).

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