
Trichogramma parasitoids are important biological control agents for insect pest management. However, efficient means for mass production of Trichogramma parasitoids are needed, particularly for T. ostriniae, which often fail to form emergence holes on host eggs of Chinese oak silkworm, Antheraea pernyi, because of the hard chorion. In the present study, we evaluated the possibilities to enhance adult emergence of T. ostriniae by utilizing emergence holes made by T. dendrolimi during multiparasitism on host eggs of A. pernyi and other biological parameters such as pre-emergence time, parasitism rate, and emergence rate of the two parasitoids, which were also evaluated between the two parasitism regimes of multi- and monoparasitism. Our data showed that multiparasitism on host eggs of A. pernyi significantly facilitated the emergence of adult T. ostriniae. Generally, both Trichogramma species favored parasitizing A. pernyi eggs, with multiple parasitoid adults emerged per host egg. The overall performance of T. dendrolimi was similar between the two parasitism regimes, although a significantly higher number of unemerged adults were found in the multiparasitized eggs than in the monoparasitized. For T. ostriniae, significantly more adults emerged, and a higher emergence rate was recorded on host eggs multiparasitized with T. dendrolimi than that on monoparasitized. Furthermore, significantly fewer unemerged adults were found in multi- than monoparasitized host eggs. The results of this study provided useful information on the feasibility of mass production of T. ostriniae via multiparasitism with T. dendrolimi on large eggs of A. pernyi.

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