
Primary testicular lymphoma is rare and appears with nonspecific findings on grayscale and color Doppler sonography. We present 8 patients further examined with contrast-enhanced sonography, strain elastography, and histologic analysis after orchiectomy. Seven of 8 patients had a diagnosis of large B-cell lymphoma, and 1 of 8 had a diagnosis of granulocytic sarcoma, with solitary lesions (2 of 8), multiple lesions (3 of 8), or entire testicular involvement (3 of 8). Lesions appeared hypoechoic (7 of 8) or isoechoic (1 of 8), all with increased vascularity on color Doppler sonography and a nonbranching linear pattern of intratumoral vessels (7 of 8). Contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) confirmed this pattern and showed increased enhancement in all lesions. On strain elastography, all lesions were hard, with an elasticity score of greater than 4. Multiparametric sonography of testicular lymphoma identifies increased vascularity on color Doppler and contrast-enhanced ultrasound and increased lesion stiffness on strain elastography.

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