
Pre-earthquake anomalous phenomena in different geospheres have been widely reported.  Scientists found that the anomalies appear days to months prior to earthquakes from distinct geophysical parameters.  It is urgent and challengeable to investigate impending-earthquake anomalous signals for earthquake prediction.  The MVP-LAI (Monitoring Vibrations and Perturbations in the Lithosphere, Atmosphere, and Ionosphere) system was established at Leshan, Sichuan, China in 2021.  The system monitors the changes of over 20 various geophysical parameters from subsurface to ionosphere.  It aims to gain insights into the mechanisms of the lithosphere-atmosphere-lithosphere coupling (LAIC) during natural hazards.  On 5 September 2022, a M6.8 earthquake occurred at Luding, which is approximately 175 km from the MVP-LAI system.  The results show that the seven parameters from the MVP-LAI system simultaneously exhibited abnormal signal approximately 3 hours before the Luding earthquake. The parameters include ground tilts, air pressure, radon concentration, atmospheric vertical electric field, geomagnetic field, wind field, and total electron content. The enhancement in radon concentration suggests that the chemical channel could be a promising mechanism for the coupling of geospheres. On the other hand, air pressure, the geomagnetic field, and total electron content exhibit similar anomalous spectral characteristics. These anomalies may be attributed to atmospheric resonance before the earthquake. Furthermore, the reduction of the horizontal wind speed, and the increase of upward vertical wind support the resonance channel. The results demonstrate that the LAIC before earthquakes could be dominated by multiple potential mechanisms. The multi-parameter anomalies identified in this study guarantee approximately 3 hours of warning for people to prepare for the seismic event and mitigate hazards.

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