
With regard to large dimensions of contemporary data sets and restricted computational time of intelligent systems, reducing the dimensions of data sets is necessary. Feature selection is a practical way to remove a set of redundant, irrelevant, and noisy features. In this way, the speed of decision-making procedure will be increased while the accuracy of decisions will be retained. To this end, numerous attentions have been attracted to the topic and consequently, extensive range of methods has been proposed. Regarding the goals of the feature selection concept, the proposed algorithms in this field must be fast and accurate. Therefore, this paper proposes a light meanwhile accurate algorithm to fulfill the mentioned goals. The presented algorithm takes the speed advantage of Whale Optimization Algorithm (WOA) to propose a novel feature selection method for intelligent systems. Moreover, to reach the goal of accuracy, the proposed strategy considers three important fitness objectives, namely, the number of selected features, the accuracy of classification, and information gain. The proposed scheme considers an accurate multiobjective fitness function instead of manipulating the basic algorithm. The reason is that improving the basic algorithms, WOA in our case, may lead to loading more computational complexity. Also, to make the proposed algorithm as light as possible, this paper considers K-nearest neighbor algorithm as the main classifier. The proposed light feature selection algorithm is run on different data sets. Experimental results prove that this algorithm is able to reduce the number of features meanwhile it retains, and in some cases even increases, the accuracy of classification.

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