
Due to the promising application of collecting information from remote or inaccessible location, wireless sensor networks pose big challenge for data routing to maximize the communication with more energy efficient. Literature presents different cluster-based energy aware routing protocol for maximizing the life time of sensor nodes. Accordingly, an energy efficient clustering mechanism, based on artificial bee colony algorithm and factional calculus is proposed in this paper to maximize the network energy and life time of nodes by optimally selecting cluster-head. The hybrid optimization algorithm called, multi-objective fractional artificial bee colony is developed to control the convergence rate of ABC with the newly designed fitness function which considered three objectives like, energy consumption, distance travelled and delays to minimize the overall objective. The performance of the proposed FABC-based cluster head selection is compared with LEACH, PSO and ABC-based routing using life time, and energy. The results proved that the proposed FABC maximizes the energy as well as life time of nodes as compared with existing protocols.

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