
Multitasking optimization can achieve better performance than traditional single-tasking optimization by leveraging knowledge transfer between tasks. However, the current multitasking optimization algorithms suffer from some deficiencies. Particularly, on high similar problems, the existing algorithms might fail to take full advantage of knowledge transfer to accelerate the convergence of the search, or easily get trapped in the local optima. Whereas, on low similar problems, they tend to suffer from negative transfer, resulting in performance degradation. To solve these issues, this article proposes an evolutionary multitasking optimization algorithm for multiobjective/many-objective optimization with two-stage adaptive knowledge transfer based on population distribution. The resultant algorithm named EMT-PD can improve the convergence performance of the target optimization tasks based on the knowledge extracted from the probability model that reflects the search trend of the whole population. At the first stage of knowledge transfer, an adaptive weight is used to adjust the search step size of each individual, which can reduce the impact of negative transfer. At the second stage of knowledge transfer, the search range of each individual is further adjusted dynamically, which can improve the population diversity and be beneficial for jumping out of the local optima. Experimental results on multitasking multiobjective optimization test suites show that EMT-PD is superior to other state-of-the-art evolutionary multitasking/single-tasking algorithms. To further investigate the effectiveness of EMT-PD on many-objective optimization problems, a multitasking many-objective optimization test suite is also designed in this article. The experimental results on the new test suite also demonstrate the competitiveness of EMT-PD.

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