
Abstract The development of microgrids is progressing due to intelligent load demands, clean energy, batteries and electric vehicles. The presence of such systems in microgrids causes power balance inconsistency, leading to increased power losses and deviation in voltage. In this paper, a mixed-integer non-linear programming model is proposed for modelling island microgrid energy management considering smart loads, clean energy resources, electric vehicles and batteries. Similarly, a flexible distributed AC transmission system device is proposed to prevent voltage deviation and reduce power losses. A scenario-based multi-objective function has been proposed to decrease energy losses and voltage deviations and energy outages of clean energy resources, reduce emissions from fossil-fired distributed generation and finally decrease load outages to reduce the vulnerability of the islanded microgrid. Regarding the proposed mixed-integer non-linear model and the high number of variables and constraints, a modified evolutionary algorithm based on particle swarm optimization has been proposed to solve the proposed model, which can be more efficient than other algorithms to achieve global optimal solutions. The model presented is implemented on a 33-node island microgrid and the results illustrate that the proposed algorithm and model are effective in reducing energy losses and voltage deviation, as well as reducing the vulnerability of the microgrid. The simulation results demonstrate that the proposed approach can lead to significant improvements in the performance of the microgrid. Specifically, the approach can result in a 27% reduction in losses, a 6% reduction in pollution and a 31% improvement in voltage. Additionally, the approach allows maximum utilization of renewable energy sources, making it a promising solution for sustainable energy management.

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