
We present a microscopic mo del of cavity quantum electro dynamics based on a one-dimensional coupled cavity array (1D CCA), where a sup er cavity (SC) is comp osed by a segment of the 1D CCA with relatively smaller couplings with the outsides. The single-photon scattering problem for the SC empty or with a two-level atom is investigated. We obtain the exact theoretical result on the transmission rate for our system, which predicts the transmission p eaks shall app ear near the eigen-energies. Our numerical results further prove that the SC is a well-defined multi-mo de cavity. When a two-level atom resonant with the SC lo cates at the antino de of the resonant mo de, the transmission sp ectrum shows a clear sign of vacuum Rabi splitting as exp ected. However, when the atom lo cates at the no de of the resonant mo de, we observe a deep valley in the transmission p eak, which can b e explained by the destructive interference of two transmission channels, one is the resonant mo de, while the other is arising from the atom coupling with the non-resonance mo des. The effect of non-resonance mo des on vacuum Rabi splitting is also analyzed.

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