
With the development of lightweight design and the high power output of an engine, the effectiveness of Torsional Vibration (TV) control for an engine crankshaft with an ordinary Single Mode and rubber-damped TV Absorber (SMTVA) is limited. In this paper, the configurations of some Multi-Mode and rubber-damped TVAs (MMTVA) having more than one inertial mass are introduced firstly, then a detailed procedure for modelling a TV system for a generic crankshaft system is presented. Thirdly, an optimisation method for determining the design parameters of a MMTVA (mass ratios, frequency ratios and damping ratios) is developed. The proposed calculation method is based on reducing the TV of a crankshaft. The calculated results show that MMTVA can reduce crankshaft TV greatly although the damping of each SMTVA in a MMTVA is provided with the rubber materials.

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