
AbstractReceiver function analysis is widely used to image sharp structures in the Earth, such as the Moho or transition zone discontinuities. Standard procedures either rely on the assumption that underlying discontinuities are horizontal (common conversion point stacking) or are computationally expensive and usually limited to 2‐D geometries (reverse time migration and generalized Radon transform). Here, we develop a teleseismic imaging method that uses fast 3‐D traveltime calculations with minimal assumption about the underlying structure. This allows us to achieve high computational efficiency without limiting ourselves to 1‐D or 2‐D geometries. In our method, we apply acoustic Kirchhoff migration to transmitted and reflected teleseismic waves (i.e., receiver functions). The approach expands on the work of Cheng et al. (2016, https://doi.org/10.1093/gji/ggw062) to account for free surface multiples. We use an Eikonal solver based on the fast marching method to compute traveltimes for all scattered phases. Three‐dimensional scattering patterns are computed to correct the amplitudes and polarities of the three component input signals. We consider three different stacking methods (linear, phase weighted, and second root) to enhance the structures that are most coherent across scattering modes and find that second‐root stack is the most effective. Results from synthetic tests show that our imaging principle can recover scattering structures accurately with minimal artifacts. Application to real data from the Multidisciplinary Experiments for Dynamic Understanding of Subduction under the Aegean Sea experiment in the Hellenic subduction zone yields images that are similar to those obtained by 2‐D generalized Radon transform migration at no additional computational cost, further supporting the robustness of our approach.


  • Introduction1.1 Structure of the EarthThe Earth is round and it orbits the Sun. its rough shape and size have been known since at least the ancient Greeks, those findings were later dismissed in the western world before being rediscovered during the past few centuries (Plato, nd)

  • 1.1 Structure of the EarthThe Earth is round and it orbits the Sun

  • The Earth has regions that are subject to various hazards such as earthquakes, volcanoes and tsunamis, and soon geology became a composite science addressing a diverse range of questions such as how the Earth formed and evolved, how these phenomena are generated, and how rocks, oceans and the atmosphere interact among many others

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1.1 Structure of the EarthThe Earth is round and it orbits the Sun. its rough shape and size have been known since at least the ancient Greeks, those findings were later dismissed in the western world before being rediscovered during the past few centuries (Plato, nd). There has been a growing interest to exploit the scattered wavefield at larger scale because the scattering structures are associated with variations in composition, mineralogical or water content that are often linked to global scale phenomena Exploiting this data in the form of receiver functions sheds light on open research topics such as the dehydration of slabs (Tauzin et al, 2017), deep phase transitions in secondary minerals (Cottaar and Deuss, 2016) and the water content of the mantle transition zone (Zheng et al, 2007). The simplest way to exploit this P-to-S data is to deconvolve the vertical component from the radial This assumes that the signal on the vertical component corresponds to the P-wave and that it represents the source time function. Estimating a source time function in 3D allows to get three component RFs that contain more information about the scattering structure than simple vertically-deconvolved radial RFs. The supplementary information presents the stations and event used for the migration, as well as some complementary tests and images.

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