
Ultrasonography has received broad acceptance as an effective peripheral nervous imaging examination. Shear wave elastography (SWE) can quantitatively assess the stiffness of nerves; however, little research has been conducted on elastography for ulnar nerve dislocation. The purpose of this study was thus to investigate the characteristics of multimodal ultrasound, including high-resolution ultrasonography and SWE, for asymptomatic ulnar nerve dislocation at cubital tunnel. In this prospective cross-sectional study, 41 participants were recruited in Shandong Provincial Hospital Affiliated to Shandong First Medical University in July 2022. The inclusion criteria for participants were being in good health and being 18-60 years of age. Meanwhile, the exclusion criterion was a history of upper limb pain or fractures, peripheral neuropathy, or systemic or immunological diseases. Finally, 38 participants were enrolled. Two ultrasound doctors measured the maximum diameter, the maximum cross-sectional area (CSA), and the shear modulus of the ulnar nerve at the cubital tunnel independently. Another two ultrasound doctors determined whether dislocation was present during dynamic elbow flexion and extension and divided the elbows into a dislocation group and a control group. The descriptive statistics and independent sample t-test were used for data analysis, and intragroup correlation coefficient (ICC) was used to determine the consistency of evaluation between observers. Ulnar nerve dislocation was observed in 15.8% (12/76) of the ulnar nerves. There was no significant difference in the maximum diameter between the dislocation group (0.194±0.022 cm) and the control group (0.181±0.023 cm) (t=1.888; P=0.063). The CSA and SWE of the ulnar nerve were 0.064±0.009 cm2 and 43.629±6.737 kPa in the dislocation group, respectively, and were 0.050±0.008 cm2 and 31.293±7.858 kPa in the control group, respectively. There were significant differences between the two groups in terms of CSA (P<0.001) and SWE (P<0.001). The ICCs of the maximum diameter, CSA, and SWE values between observers were 0.970, 0.900, and 0.915, respectively. Multimodal ultrasound consisting of high-resolution ultrasonography combined with elastography can comprehensively and quantitatively evaluate the morphological changes and mechanical properties of the dislocated ulnar nerve and monitor disease progress.

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