
Abstract: In this paper, we attempt to provide some ways of thinking about text, relating it to the concept of metaphors, multimodality and texture. Our aim is to develop new insights in meaning making and communication more generally, by bringing examples of memes; a relatively new genre, often seen on social media posts. To do so, we discuss the notion of text (HALLIDAY; HASAN, 2002; BEAUGRANDE, 1997; KRESS, 2010) and then, we discuss texture as a semiotic resource for the production of texts and its metaphors (DJONOV; VAN LEEUWEN, 2011). To exemplify some concepts and categories, we explore memes, seeking to understand their constitution as well as their qualities and potential meanings of visual textures deployed in the text to make meaning material through multimodal metaphors.Keywords: text; texture; social semiotics; multimodal metaphors.Resumo: Neste artigo, pretendemos propor algumas maneiras para se pensar a noção de texto, relacionando-a aos conceitos de metáfora, multimodalidade e textura. Nosso objetivo é desenvolver novos insights a respeito da produção de sentido e da comunicação de forma geral. Como exemplo, trazemos  memes com o bordão “É verdade esse bilete”. Como esse gênero é relativamente novo e frequentemente visto em posts nas redes sociais, discutimos a noção de texto (HALLIDAY; HASAN, 2002; BEAUGRANDE, 1997; KRESS, 2010) e de textura como um recurso semiótico para a produção de textos e suas metáforas (DJONOV; VAN LEEUWEN, 2011). Para exemplificar algumas noções e categorias, exploramos os memes, buscando compreender como eles se constituem, assim como suas qualidades e seus possíveis sentidos de texturas visuais utilizadas para produção de metáforas multimodais.Palavras-chave: texto; textura; semiótica social; metáforas multimodais.


  • Categories, we explore memes, seeking to understand their constitution as well as their qualities and potential meanings of visual textures deployed in the text to make meaning material through multimodal metaphors

  • We relate three important concepts: multimodality, texture and metaphor, exemplifying some categories and notions we present through a brief analysis of memes

  • Our comprehension of text is mainly constituted by ideas from Beaugrande (1997), Cope and Kalantzis (2009), Halliday and Hasan (2002), Kress and van Leeuwen (2001) and Kress (2010)

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The multimodal semiotic world: an introduction

This paper intends to expand the traditional notion of text – commonly tied to verbal mode (language). Meaning-making processes, in multiple articulations through material resources, have been affecting theories on speech and writing An example of this is the study carried out by Cope and Kalantzis (2009), in which they state that language itself is invariably multimodal; writing is visually drawn, and orality has fundamentally important audio qualities. Such argument brings to the fore the notion of interest, one fundamental concept of Social Semiotics, which deals with the motivations involved in meaning-making processes. We look at potential meanings produced by those texts, through the interplay of metaphors, visual and auditory modes expanding the traditional semiotic landscape

The notion of text
The notion of texture as a semiotic resource for making multimodal metaphors
Meme as a genre
Meme genre analysis: mapping potential meanings
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