
Nodular posterior scleritis represents a small percentage of all cases of posterior scleritis. Because of the scarcity of nodular posterior scleritis, it may be confused or even misdiagnosed as an intraocular tumor or posterior uveitis. Here, we are reporting a case of nodular posterior scleritis in a 25-year-old medically free male. Furthermore, we reviewed previously reported cases of nodular posterior scleritis. Our patient presented with a choroidal mass of about one disc diameter in size. In addition, the patient had exudative retinal detachment and chorioretinal folds. B scan ultrasonography showed subretinal fluid, macular nodular thickening and underlying echolucent area along with medium internal reflectivity on A scan. Fluorescein angiography revealed early pinpoint areas of hyperfluorescence and late pooling under the detached retina. Indocyanine green angiography demonstrated early diffuse hypofluorescence corresponding to the area of detachment and late multiple pinpoint spots of hyperfluorescence. After intravenous methylprednisolone 1 g for 3 days followed by a course of oral prednisolone along with mycophenolate mofetil, the patient experienced rapid recovery with improvement in vision and complete resolution of subretinal fluid. On further follow-up, the patient regained 20/20 vision. Nodular posterior scleritis is a rare unilateral disease with strong female predominance. Multimodal imaging should be employed to confirm the diagnosis. The disease must be diagnosed correctly to avoid any unnecessary diagnostic work-up and aggressive management. Most cases carry excellent prognosis with no recurrence.

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