
Multimodal visualization data of inherited retinal degeneration (IRD) on a Mirante platform (Nidek, Japan), used in a number of clinical cases, is compared with the data obtained by electrophysiological diagnostic methods. 4 patients with varying IRD were examined: adult-onset foveomacular vitelliform dystrophy, Stargardt disease, including those with fundus flavimaculatus, and retinitis pigmentosa. Multimodal imaging includes: colour fundus imaging, fundus autofluorescence, retro mode, and optical coherence tomography. Electroretinography was performed using an MBN electroretinograph (Russia), and electrooculography was performed using a RETIscan Science system (Roland Consult, Germany). Using non-invasive retinal imaging methods, specific patterns of inherited dystrophies were shown, which correlated well with the data of electrophysiological research methods. The combination of multimodal imaging on the Mirante platform (Nidek, Japan) in combination with electrophysiological diagnostic methods can be successfully used in complex diagnostics, monitoring of the progression, and evaluation of the results of IRD treatment.


  • Multimodal visualization data of inherited retinal degeneration (IRD) on a Mirante platform (Nidek, Japan), used in a number of clinical cases, is compared with the data obtained by electrophysiological diagnostic methods. 4 patients with varying IRD were examined: adult-onset foveomacular vitelliform dystrophy, Stargardt disease, including those with fundus flavimaculatus, and retinitis pigmentosa

  • The combination of multimodal imaging on the Mirante platform (Nidek, Japan) in combination with electrophysiological diagnostic methods can be successfully used in complex diagnostics, monitoring of the progression, and evaluation of the results of IRD treatment

  • ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИЕ Цветная фундус-фотография cSLO, FAF, ретрорежим и оптическую когерентную томографию (ОКТ), выполненные на единой платформе Mirante, предоставляют важную информацию как для клинических, так и для фундаментальных исследований Наследственные дистрофии сетчатки (НДС)

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Multimodal visualization data of inherited retinal degeneration (IRD) on a Mirante platform (Nidek, Japan), used in a number of clinical cases, is compared with the data obtained by electrophysiological diagnostic methods. 4 patients with varying IRD were examined: adult-onset foveomacular vitelliform dystrophy, Stargardt disease, including those with fundus flavimaculatus, and retinitis pigmentosa. В описываемом клиническом случае имеются типичные изменения, связанные с поздней стадией болезни Штаргардта: билатеральная потеря центрального зрения при нормальной функциональной активности периферической сетчатки, атрофические очаги в макуле, окруженные разнообразными по форме пятнами. Д — OS liquid level detection using image matching of vitelliform lesion from, color fundus imaging cSLO, FAF and retro-mode площади гипоаутофлуоресценции (мм2), более крупные поражения прогрессировали быстрее, чем более мелкие [8].

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