
Image re-ranking is effective in improving text-based image retrieval experience. However, to construct an efficacious algorithm to achieve such a target is limited by two important issues: one is that visual features extracted for image re-ranking from images are too superficial to represent the whole information contained within images; the other is that the corresponding text information often mismatches semantics of images. In this paper, we utilize autoencoders to extract deeper features of images and exploit click data to bridge the semantic gap between query words and image semantics. A graph-based algorithmMIR-AC is proposed to adaptively integrate features from autoencoders and click information by constructing two manifolds with updating weights. In particular, MIR-AC completes image re-ranking by conducting an iterative optimization process in which image ranking scores and weights of manifolds are updated alternatively. Experiments are conducted on a real world dataset and results demonstrate that MIR-AC outperforms given state-of-arts in image re-ranking.

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