
Modernity has given humanity such a quality of public life as globalisation in its various spheres. As the common root of this concept with the word “globe” suggests, it refers to an object that unites the whole world, including its most remote, unexplored corners into a single whole. The positive side of this phenomenon is the universal involvement in progressive trends in the history (meaning its modern stage) of mankind, the opportunity to acquire sources of fresh knowledge about the world, improvement of the quality of being in general. This also applies to such a sphere of consciousness as art, in particular, to its samples that emerged in the late 20th and early 21st centuries. As is known, it absorbed the whole huge complex of achievements of the cultural fund of previous eras, integrated various, sometimes very distant artistic traditions, schools, and their stylistic orientation into a single whole, also bringing its own new and unique word – extraordinary complexity, ambiguity, paradoxicity, and unpredictability of content. The energy of the experiment penetrates into the sphere of contemporary art as its integral quality, the most important component. In this regard, the interaction of artistic creativity with engineering science, including the latest achievements of information and communication technology software, becomes logically conditioned and natural. They are also designed to provide considerable assistance to the authors of works of modern culture in terms of the updated design of ideas and their presentation to the audience in a unique innovative format. Thus, the problem of studying the multimedisation of contemporary art in the context of globalisation and European integration becomes natural and urgent.

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