
AbstractMikania micrantha is native to Central and South America and exhibits morphological and cytological polymorphism, and evidence of a non-monophyletic origin. In Brazil, the species is widely distributed in the Atlantic Forest, one of the most threatened biomes in the world. AFLP, ITS, ETS and rps16 markers were employed to estimate the genetic diversity and the existence of independent evolutionary lineages in the species, and chromosomes were counted to determine ploidy of 11 populations of M. micrantha. Molecular markers showed relatively high genetic diversity and absence of genetic structure, and chromosome counts revealed pure diploid and tetraploid populations and mixed-cytotype populations in M. micrantha. There was no significant genetic difference between cytotypes, suggesting an autopolyploid origin for tetraploids. However, analyses of species delimitation showed that two highly divergent genetic clusters, constituted of samples from different populations, consisted of two independent evolutionary lineages, demonstrating putative cryptic species in M. micrantha. Our data highlight the need for more genetic studies in M. micrantha to ensure effective conservation actions in its natural area of occurrence and the correct management of the species in introduced areas, where it causes severe damage to forests and plantations.

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