
A 63-year-old black male patient reported intraoral drainage and palpation pain in the right mandibular body region with no complaints of paresthesia. The ipsilateral gingival margin was invaginated without any expansion of the cortical bone when a clinical examination was made. In the tomographic examination, alveolar bone resorption with a multilocular pattern was observed with hypodense interior, well-defined hyperdense margins, anteroposterior growth in mandibular body to the right up to the ascending branch on the same side, and involvement of the inferior alveolar nerve canal, suggesting an ameloblastoma diagnosis. After an incisional biopsy, the histopathologic report revealed an odontogenic keratocyst. Decompressive treatment with rigid latex device was used to allow reduction of the cystic cavity to facilitate removal, decrease the rate of recurrence, and not compromise the sensitive innervation of the affected region. However, periodic radiographic examination is necessary to follow up and define the surgical moment for enucleation.

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