
The implementation of the 2013 curriculum emphasizes the improvement and balance of soft and hard skills. Students who are in the next generation must have individual abilities in combining and coordinating learning activities so that they can be active students in the learning process. The purpose of this study is to determine the level of effectiveness of the literature used by teachers in improving student achievement. Multiliteracy learning needs to be applied so that students can have it after they finish their studies in school. The sample used in this study were students of SMAN 01 and SMAN 02 Rejang Lebong Bengkulu Province in Indonesia. The model used in this study is project-based learning (PjBL) model in order to improve student creativity. The PjBL model facilitates students to make products to solve real-life problems. Product manufacturing projects can be tried individually or in groups. With a multiliterate approach in distributing education to students with the project-based learning (PjBL) model, the results can increase students’ self-confidence.

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