
This study was conducted with young Russian-speaking immigrant adults in Israel who are in the process of becoming trilingual in Russian, Hebrew, and English. The focus of the study is on these trilinguals’ emotional experiences and attitudes with regard to a) themselves as speakers and learners; b) the process of language learning, and c) each of the languages in question. The findings suggest that the students display positive attitudes towards all of the languages in question and show increased self-confidence in the face of newly acquired multilinguality.
 Este estudo levouse a cabo en Israel con xente nova inmigrante adulta que fala ruso, que está no proceso de facerse trilingüe en ruso, hebreo e inglés. O punto central do estudo son as experiencias emocionais e as actitudes destes trilingües en relación: a) con eles mesmos como falantes e estudantes da lingua; b) co proceso de aprendizaxe lingüística; e c) con cada unha das linguas. Os resultados suxiren que os estudantes mostran actitudes positivas cara a todas as linguas en cuestión e mostran un incremento da confianza neles mesmos diante da súa recente competencia plurilingüe.

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