
Human trafficking, drug trafficking, black marketing, and other cross-border terrorist activities in the border region have turned the border security as the foremost concern for every nation. Huge amount of money is being spent every year for the appointment of special force to monitor border region for 24 h × 365 days which is a tough task in all weathering conditions. On the contrary, an automatic security system will guard the border continuously without boredom. An intelligent border security system is proposed in this paper. The network has three stages of security: underground, ground, and air interface. In underground, vibration and pressure sensing wireless sensors are penetrated and those are capable to provide information about any moving object on the ground. In the ground interface, infrared IP camera capable of capturing image of the intruder at both night and day time is positioned in triangular geometry. To detect any flying object, radars are positioned. This detected information will be transmitted to the central base station through either optical fiber or microwave link. Getting any alarm of pedestrian detection, central station controller can visualize the specific area through IR-IP camera and border security forces may be sent to the specific region immediately.

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