
A time-resolved, monochromatic soft x-ray diagnostic has been developed for self-emission imaging of imploding z pinches on the Z accelerator [R. B. Spielman et al., Phys. Plasmas 5, 2105 (1998)] at Sandia National Laboratories. Multiple pinhole images are reflected from a planar multilayer mirror with narrow photon energy bandwidth (<10eV) onto a 1ns gated microchannel plate detector. High-energy bremsstrahlung x rays are not reflected, providing improved signal to noise in comparison to a standard filtered pinhole camera included in the same beamline of the instrument. An example of data from the existing ∼277eV imaging system is presented, showing cooler imploding mass extending to larger radius than the on-axis K-shell emission of an aluminum wire array. Multilayer mirror and filter pair configurations ranging from 96to769eV are discussed.

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