
Vehicle security is a big issue worldwide. Vehicle manufacturing company provides ac-tive/passive RFID based remote key for door entry-level, and same is used engine ignition. Us-ing the master RFID signal reader device can read the active/passive signal remotely which are available in open market, this situation is very vulnerable to vehicle safety. The advantage of a multilayer authentication system is, it provides protection at entry level, So, if a door is not opened, neither engine turning on nor vehicle movement is possible, goods and personal be-longiness inside a vehicle remain safe. A smart authentication system is developed with a Rasp-berry pi development board, which is interfaced with fingerprint biometric, and camera mod-ules. This multilayer vehicle door security system provides an option for the use of anyone or both authentication level in logically ANDing mode, such as a driver can be utilizing security system for smart key, finger biometric, and face recognition. Multilayer authentication will re-strict unauthorized entry into the vehicle. The owner of the vehicle can set and use a multilayer authentication system as per the requirement. Once this system is installed in a vehicle, it will provide maximal level security at the preliminary stage as restricted entry from the door. In a laboratory environment, system implementation and testing were very successfully carried out and provided satisfying results. Multilayer authentication for Vehicle Door Access using Open-source devices will reduce the number of crimes significantly related to vehicle theft and unau-thorized access of the vehicle.

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