
variables with a mean of zero and standard deviation of 3 rad/s. A sample size of 50 simulations was used in computing impact point dispersion statistics. Figures 2 and 3 show the Monte Carlo simulation impact points for the baseline rigid and gimbal nose projectile conŽ gurationsat a range of 1 and 3 km, respectively.In both charts, the circles correspond to a region such that 66% of the shot impacts fallwithin the circle.The largedashedcircle correspondsto the rigid projectile whereas the small solid circle corresponds to the gimbal nose conŽ guration. The dispersion circle radii for the rigid projectile at 1 and 3 km is 1.1 and 3.3 m whereas the dispersion circle radii for the gimbal nose projectile at 1 and 3 km is 0.5 and 1.4 m, respectively.Notice that the mean impact point of the two projectile conŽ gurations is different. The ratio of the dispersion circle radius for the gimbal nose to rigid projectile conŽ guration is 0.43 and is independent of range. Thus, for the example penetrator projectile equippedwith a gimbal nose, dispersionat any rangecan be reduced by a factor of 0.43.

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