
Abstract A reactor protection system (RPS) in a boiling water reactor (BWR) is a unique system since it represents high redundancy compared with other safety-related systems in the BWR. Owning to its high redundancy, NUREG-5500 vol.3 showed that unreliability of the General Electric BWR4-type RPS is dominated by common-cause failures (CCFs) in its highly redundant components. Since the staggered test scheme can reduce the period of latent CCF states of redundant standby components, the scheme is a good candidate to improve the reliability of the RPS. However, the scheme is impracticable for the RPS because of its high redundancy. In this paper, a new concept of a “multi-group staggered test scheme” for a highly redundant system is proposed. In the multi-group staggered test scheme, components are arranged into several groups, and all components in a group are tested simultaneously. This paper presents a preliminary example of the new scheme that is applied to control rod notch tests, in which all withdrawn control rods are moved at least one notch. It is shown that the new scheme can reduce the CCF risk in RPS.

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