
In this work, we present an efficient polarization conversion device via using a hollow graphene metasurface. The platform can simultaneously realize a series of excellent performances, including the broadband x-to-y cross polarization conversion (CPC) function with near unity polarization conversion ratio (PCR), dual-frequency linear-to-circular polarization conversion (LTC-PC) function, and highly sensitive polarization conversion function manipulation under wide oblique incidence angle range. For instance, the proposed device obtains an x-to-y CPC function with the bandwidth up to 1.83 THz (χPCR ≥98.8%). Moreover, the x-to-y CPC function can be switched to LTC-PC function via artificially tuning the Fermi energy of graphene. The maximal frequency shift sensitivity (S) of polarization conversion function reaches 23.09 THz/eV, suggesting a frequency shift of 2.309 THz for the LTC-PC function when the chemical potential is changed by 0.1 eV. Based on these superior performances, the polarization converter can hold potential applications in integrated and compact devices, such as polarization sensor, switches and other optical polarization control components.

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